Running Windows on M4 (2025)



macrumors 68000

Original poster

Sep 24, 2008
Boon Docks USA
  • Nov 11, 2024
  • #1

Been wanting to run parallels or VMware to run regular windows 10 or 11 since getting my M1 mini a few years ago. Held off after reading a few negative posts awhile back. Now that the M4 is out, wondering if it would be viable to do. I play 1 game, WoT In my Win7 pc I built years ago. Would really like to do this on a Mac provided it will be close in performance. About ready to build another pc but figure I would check here before buying the parts to build. Already bought a 16 core processor. Currently on a 6 core. Is the M4 powerful enough to do this? Appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks.


Sep 20, 2013
  • Nov 11, 2024
  • #2

Parallels and VMWare Fusion will run ARM version of Windows. Some games don’t run on Windows ARM. In addition, Parallels and VMWare Fusion do not support DirectX 12. Make sure games you want to play don’t require it.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
  • Nov 12, 2024
  • #3

True what Bigwaff says…and there might be other reasons a game won't run via emulation.

Another option is the "NVIDIA GeForce Now" game streaming platform. WoT is supposed to be available on that according to what I've seen.



macrumors 68000

Original poster

Sep 24, 2008
Boon Docks USA
  • Nov 13, 2024
  • #4

Thanks folks. Guess I’m building another gaming PC. AMD 16c/32t I found on sale a few months ago. Will have to postpone getting a new mini for now.



macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2024
  • Nov 25, 2024
  • #5

I have run Parallels for 10 years on a Mac Mini i7, so I can use WordPerfect in Windows 10. Parallels promotional language: "fully prepared to ensure seamless compatibility with the recently released Mac computers with Apple M4 chip...."

This language suggests Parallels hasn't got it working yet, but may be able to run it in the future. Am I reading that too closely? Any one with experience with it now? I'll be running only Windows 11 and WordPerfect. M4s are being offered at a good price and my i7 is starting to slow down and I'm getting messages to update my OS (too slow). I need to continue running WP (35+ years on that processor for work. I don't want to change processors and don't want to return to Windows full time. I hope my note here is clear.

Thoughts and/or experience would be appreciated. 16 GB of RAM or should I reach for 24GB if Windows Arm will run in Parallels. Hope

Last edited:



macrumors newbie
May 16, 2023
  • Nov 28, 2024
  • #6

MacQurious said:

I have run Parallels for 10 years on a Mac Mini i7, so I can use WordPerfect in Windows 10. …

The answer to your first question is yes, Parallels either works correctly on M4 today or will soon. They have a good track record with that.

But you have to find the answer to another question. Does your version of WordPerfect run on the ARM edition of Windows? When you run an ARM Mac and Parallels, you get a different edition of Windows from Microsoft that’s *mostly* compatible with regular Windows programs.

The answer is “it probably runs okay on ARM Windows but test that during the return period for your new M4.” Also, the newer your version of WordPerfect the more likely it is to work on ARM — WP 2021 from Corel/Alludo is likely to work easily, but the classic WP 6.0 from 1993 will need some additional software help.

  • Running Windows on M4 (3)


Cape Dave



macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2024
  • Nov 28, 2024
  • #7

Thanks. I've used Parallels for a long time (10+ years) and assumed they'd work. Wasn't sure how thoroughly it would work with an "M" chip. I think I'm ready to take the leap to an M4 chip Mac Mini.

A last question, that may not be answerable just yet, would 24 GB of RAM be better or extend the life of the Mac Mini over 16GB?

To provide some value to others on this forum:
WordPerfect works pretty well with Windows ARM, per Word Perfect Universe ( I only use Windows so I can continue to use WP (it's my appliance that I don't think about when I use it, so I want to keep it). And, I'm happy to pay the new owners of WP to keep the software working.

So, thanks again.


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Running Windows on M4 (2025)
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