Edit TPP Third Person Animations on V WITH TEMPLATE (2025)

Edit: This is also now a page in the Redmod WIKI (READ THIS GUIDE FROM THERE INSTEAD.. The text and guide there are way more cleaned up in it and it has updated information.. so I highly reading it from there instead)

This is a tutorial on how to edit third person animations with V. (Ideally for

JB's TPP MOD) (Should also work for replacing any first person animation animation as well.
Why am I making this tutorial? Well let's see, there IS literally nothing online whatsoever on how to do this, and I had to figure out all this stuff by myself. I started this project like four days ago, I had no experience in Wolvenkit nor had I ever used blender once. The hardest part hands down was learning how to import those blender animations into wolvenkit.

I highly recommend using my template starting out. It includes a blender template with player locomotion anims for FemV, the rigs and the mesh, wolvenkit project template, and some exported NPC animations ready to use with blender. It's also what's used in my tutorial videos. Same one I'm using in my tutorial videos.

REQUIREMENTS (Click on text to download each one)

Cyberpunk Blender Addon 1.6.0

Wolvenkit 8.14.0


This will mainly be in video format to explain easier. (PLEASE NOTE: If this looks daunting, THIS IS honestly extremely easy, I had no experience doing any of this like four days ago, it took me one day to figure out how to import to wolvenkit, and within two days I've already put out two mods, and today making this tutorial.. lol)

First open wolvenkit from the download link I included. This video shows how to open the project file included in my template and also shows how to install the Cyberpunk Blender Addon.


Next, this video will show how to replace an animation. Open my blender template file... before replacing an animation, I highly recommend to remove every animation from the list EXCEPT THE animations THAT YOU'VE EDITED. Otherwise you'll be adding too many animations to the exported file, as well as it'll take like 10 minutes to export. In this video, I fixed the backwards jog animation, (FPP JOG 180) so that's the one I'll be exporting back into wolvenkit.. Next simply export that .glb file to player_locomotionnnn.anims.glb . It's a good rule of thumb when exporting new animations for it to just be empty. It's found at Template Folder\Wolvenkit Template Folder\Player Animation Template\source\raw\base\animations\player\female\body\player_locomotionnnn.anims.glb"..

Simply just overwrite the export with your export by clicking on it. .. Next go to wolvenkit click on import, and just simply press import. It'll be imported to the player locomotionnnn anims file. (this is the file with your edited animation). The file with the actual game animations for TPP FemV is the Player Locomotion.anim file. Next go back into the locomotionnnn file and copy just THE Animation HANDLE. Then go back into the actual locomotion file and paste that animation handle to where the FPP JOG 180 animation handle is at.

After that is done... go back into the locomotionnnn anim file and copy the AnimAnimDataChunk (this is the actual data for the animation) into the locomotion anim data chunk. You will see that once pasted it's at NUMBER FOUR. Next go back to the animation into the animbuffer, then data address in that animation and SET THE UNKINDEX TO WHERE THAT CHUNK IS LOCATED. It's at number four, so I input four into the unkindex. If you have any issues with animation playing in game, I highly recommend enabling frame clamping as it prevents the animation from going above 30fps. This issue will most likely get fixed in the future.. That pretty much covers how to replace an animation.. Note you can replace any animation for V this way. Whether it be combat animations etc.. (PLEASE NOTE The Playerlocomotion.anim file seen is included in the wolvenkit project template and is the same one used in my jog animation redone mod and
already has 6 edited animations. To replace with the original, simply
right click it and press replace with original.

Now how to actually edit\fix animations? Well this game has a A lot of bones for its rig, so using other game's animations might take a lot of work. It's possible but still. Luckily though NPC animations and V's other animations work perfectly though (When using NPC animations for V, they work literally perfectly, but the issue is the arms which don't really work from NPC animations.)

In this next video, I show to how to fix an animation... I'm fixing the backwards walking crouch animation. The best way I've found to fix animations is to use keyframes in the dope sheet from other animations and replacing those keyframes in the animation you want to fix. In this video, I'm fixing the backwards crouch walk..

The back is all jank and shit, so that means I need to replace those spine bone keyframes.... Note: the main bones you want to focus on are HIPS TO SPINE3... And only if necessary (In my experience I really haven't had to touch these bones too much though)... Left Shoulder to Right Hand... so I need to find the best animation to use keyframes from.. The backwards walk angled at 220 degrees, as it's the most similar.. I could also use like a crouched idle from an NPC, but this seems like the most simple option. Looks good so I simply paste those keyframes from that animation onto the backwards crouch walk. I replace each spine bone one at a time and see how it is.

If animations are different durations

, the best thing to do is simply press S on the keyboard with your selected keyframes and scale those keyframes to fit the animation your editing. This makes it to where animations will still loop perfectly even when using keyframes from different animations in this video, I'm scaling the keyframes around the 4:27 mark. This animation that I fixed in literally 9 minutes is featured in my TPP JOG ANIMATION REDONE Mod.

Well there you go, that's pretty much it! :)

Additional Information
I also included like 10 different npc animations exported from wolvenkit ready to be imported into blender in my template file. This video shows how to import those animations to blender and make them play on V as well as using keyframes from them... I import Panam's sniper combat locomotion animations, as you can see, her animations look goofy when played on V, mainly the arms. I then take the keyframes from her animation not including the arms and paste them to V's walk animation. As you'll see, it looks much better now.

This took literally two minutes to do. Now if i wanted to import that animation to the game, I would then follow the steps above on how to replace an animation. Once replaced, that animation would then play for whenever V walks fast.

Edit TPP Third Person Animations on V WITH TEMPLATE (2025)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.